martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

The Psoriasis Diet Myth: Is There Truth In It?

The relationship between health and food intake has led to the emergence of myths such as the psoriasis diet myth. The psoriasis diet myth is actually something that warrants close scrutiny and research, since there are people who claim that certain foods and diets do help them minimize, if not clear up, the flare-ups that are part of the disease called psoriasis. A psoriasis diet is essentially a group of foods or a dietary program that helps a person minimize or eliminate the itchy and scaly break-outs that occur during a psoriasis attack. Since psoriasis is a chronic ailment that stays in a person for the rest of his life, appearing as pustules, plaques or bumps that can be itchy, scaly or flaky, a diet that can help minimize the occurrence is indeed a worthwhile thing to investigate.

When a person states that he experiences a drop in the frequency of breakouts every year due to a change in what is being eaten, there may be some truth to such a statement. While there are people who are very skeptical about a psoriasis diet, there has been no ample research to prove or disprove such a possibility. The foods that these people who claim to have experienced a reduction in psoriasis flare-ups often include vitamin rich foods and foods that leave little toxins in the body. Such foods include herbs that are known to cleanse a person's body of toxins, omega 3 oils and other foods that will contribute to the overall health of the skin. Read more in The Psoriasis Diet Myth

sábado, 3 de mayo de 2008

The Difference between Scalp Psoriasis and Dandruff

There are some people who mistake a breakout of thick flakes on their scalps as a dandruff problem, and they will sometimes try to treat this with the use of normal, everyday dandruff solutions like shampoos, conditioners, creams and other such items that are used to help get rid of these white flakes. What they do not know is that the dandruff they are treating may not be actually dandruff but rather scalp psoriasis.

Scalp psoriasis is a kind of skin ailment that manifests itself in symptoms like red patches on your scalp that is often covered or accompanied by white or silvery flakes, skin or scalp that may bleed due to dryness and cracking, and a burning or itching feeling. On the other hand, dandruff is a skin problem that bears some similarities to scalp psoriasis, but to a lesser extent. Dandruff can also be called seborrheic dermatitis or seborrheic eczema, depending on how severe the case may be. Symptoms of dandruff or seborrheic eczema may also include the usual flaking of the skin, itchiness and sometimes yellowish scales that are found near the hair shaft. Read more in The Difference between Scalp Psoriasis and Dandruff